Talking about FJ in my previous post seems to have worked like an invitation for her to stick around some more.
I've managed quite nicely to avoid all Easter-related Chocolate, and we've sold almost 4 cases (48 boxes do you want some?) of girl guide cookies without one ever making it down my gullet but there are days when getting back out on the jogging path is a real struggle. Here is how it went yesterday...
Woke up late
Watched Emma go through her Easter Egg hunt - fun
Went out for breakfast.
Came home to get ready for the run - work out clothes were still in the wash
Shoot - had to put them through the wash again and then the dryer.
While I waited, I took a quick nap
Ooops woke up much later than I wanted to, I can still get my run in before going to the inlaws right? Nope. Cel phone is almost dead and I don't want to go without music. Oh well. I'll just go when I come back from the inlaws.
Oops - came back too late from the inlaws so I guess we are just going to have to put it off until tomorrow.
Today was even lamer if possible. I woke up with a bit of a crick in my back and feeling all round out of sorts. FJ walked around in my head with me all day reminding me of all the tasty things I could eat, and where they all were in the house. She also pointed out every time a joint creaked or spiked for no reason. I had everything to go out for a run but managed to stall and procrastinate until about 3pm when I finally thought to myself...if I am going to feel achey all over, I might as well have some sort of good reason for it.
Got my shit together, and ran a 4K - for the first time EVER, without stops or slowdowns and did it in 37mins and 33 secs.
5K you are so going down. And I'm taking FJ with you.
Jenn (aka NJ)
5k has your name on it!