Monday, January 13, 2014

First work out of the Year brings some not so profound thoughts...

Rejoined with a gym. Got in with TAC just before they (apparently) upped the prices as of the first of the year. I really thought I could try to exercise at home and I didn't do too badly over the summer/fall when the weather was good. I ran 2-3 times a week and running outside beats the treadmill any day of the week. No comparison at all. However the bad weather came and my reluctance to run outside in the cold grew inversely proportional to how much daylight we had throughout November & December....speaking of awful weather , December 2013 - less said the better. Bleh. January picked up where December thumbed its nose at us (freezing rain wasn't it New Years?) and so I decided that I took steps, my waistline was going to continue to expand and whatever toning I might chiseled was going to blur back into soft fleshy curves.

Unacceptable...on so many levels. It would mean that all that effort I put out in 2011 and 2012 was going to waste. Or back on my waist. Meh. I know I can do it.

With my 40th birthday last month came a way to afford going back to a gym, and with deep gratitude to my mother and father, I was able to sign up with TAC for 2014. I fully intend to make good use of it, and make the following resolutions:

1. To take classes and do what I can. Why try to reinvent the wheel and become an expert when the gym fee pays for other people to become experts in how to make the most from an ab crunch? Really....I have better things to do and if you tell me I can do 5 more seconds of this side plank with my top leg raised in the air, the least I can do is try.

2. Run. Alot. I now have magic shoes (I really want to apologize to my friends and family who, I am sure, have been politely bored to tears listening to me go on about my new orthopedic inserts for my shoes...but seriously. I didn't know what I was putting up with in terms of pain and discomfort until it was mostly gone) and now I have rested my eyes on 10k. No race...just...10k. In one go. Start to

3. Take Yoga. Learn Balance. Learn to focus on the now. Really....does this need more clarification? Just read it again until it makes sense.

That's the plan. Just to go, do what I can, all year. 3 times a week is not an overwhelming expectation. Just focus on one workout at a time.



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