Friday, January 27, 2012

...kind of.

So this week I...

-worked out 4 times.
-stopped drinking tim hortons coffee (double double, ah I knew you well...) I'm up to 3 whole days without it!
-signed up and logged into 5 days in a row and according to them stayed under my caloric goal.
-oh and I insisted on weighing myself on a scale at a friends place because getting to my GP's high tech scale is nigh unto impossible. And I weigh the same as I did back on Dec 21st on my GP's scale (had an appointment then).

Not disappointed  - mind you I would have loved to have seen a nudge downward but two reasons could easily account for this.

1. 2 different scales. I fully intend to use my friend's scale as the future constant (if she doesn't mind =P) so it could have been a discrepancy between the two.

2. If there is not a discrepancy then I believe that IF I have lost any weight then it was any weight I had gained over the holidays. Now that I have access to MFP and how many calories that foods have, and knowing full well the food I ate over the holidays (including one lovely week at my mothers and all the holiday baking that was there) I know I gained weight before I stepped into the gym this year.

Anyways I'm putting it out of my mind. I feel better than I did. My clothes are looser than they were. I can do things easier than I could before and my confidence is at an all time high. I will be away for 4 days and so will make next week's workout goals being a hopeful 'two'.

My beat goes dee dah dee dah

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 fustration... today is another typical day. Running my business is sometimes like running around collecting raindrops with a pasta strainer. Lots of effort for seemingly little return. My own fault usually, certainly not my customers. I need to be better organized, get more sleep to have more energy for them.

By the end of my work day, I am 30 mins late for being home - which I hate. I don't like being late for dinner at home but I wasn't really hungry - I was snacking through the class on a fabo stew that my hubby made so that I just ended up putting my plate in the oven for when I got back. Got back from where you ask?


That's right - I said it. I worked out at night, while E was at Brownies. I did a preliminary try at the treadmill and I have learned the following:

1. The staff at the Y, while passibly friendly, don't always know how to use their high end equipment. I wanted to know how to use the 'smart key' that the treadmill was asking for, but the 'floor supervisor' seemed a bit vague on what it was (a usb key to track my progress...why wouldn't I want that?) and how to get it (just check out the treadmill's website online and maybe I can get one there?) Now I have a business 'sense' as it were and immediately I was wondering why the YMCA wasn't pimping these smart keys out to their members as a way to pay off these beautiful high tech treadmills or to pay for the replacements that are going to eventually be needed - I would have bought one practically on the spot. A little digital thumb drive to track my progress so I don't have to resort to pen and paper? Where do I sign up? Otherwise the treadmill was easy to manipulate if not a bit boring. Apparently you need one of these smart keys to enjoy a program that offers different grades and speeds. Hmm imagine that.

2. I get why people are plugged into some sort of mP3 player when they walk or run. Staring off into space while on the treadmill is enough to bore one to tears. I MUST make a point of getting some play lists on my little MP3 player before I go back again or I may just develop a twitch above my left eye.

3. I CAN JOG! Who knew? I kept punching the little button that made the treadmill go faster and faster and I thought I would try to break into a jog ....just to see how it would go. Well damn if a minute didn't just sail by...then two. THEN 3! and then 4 minutes. I was starting to get that famous side stitch so I decided to stick it out to 5 whole minutes of what would be viewed as a slow jog but its a helluva lot faster than anything I've done in the last year or more.

4. Working out does wonders to work out frustrations. I was too tired to feel frustrated and just wanted to come home, log my day into MFP and come here to blog and just feel good about my day. Apparently I am under my calories for the day and on pace for my week.

So I've added a 30 mins treadmill to my weekly workout regime of 3 classes. I'm going away next weekend for 4 days so I won't be able to do it next week, but will the following. I'll just try to keep my calories down and hydration levels high. Gods I hope that I can keep the momentum going. Please....

Monday, January 23, 2012

...a bit

Today I worked out and did a Body Rev class at the Y. Learned some stuff about myself. Ahem.

1. I have pretty good upper body strength. I was able to do most of the upper body exercises except for dips which pretty rank as high as planks in my opinion. I did other tricep exercises instead and still felt the burn. I should up my weights for the bar next Monday to 15lbs to see how it goes.

2. I do not like chatty women who gossip through the whole work out as did the two ladies behind me. I tried to toss them dirty looks through the mirror but I am sure it just came through as either a normal facial expression while lifting weights or a particularily bad case of gas. Regardless, in the unlikely event that these women will eventually read this blog - please don't catch up on your day to day in a workout class. Go grab a cup of coffee and do it in a cafe.

3. I can do hard things. Some of the exercises were HARD but I did my best at them. The instructor did mention that I was doing well and to keep coming - which is the most important part. Keep coming back. I intend to.

Having said that, I think what I will try is to sneak in a walk on the treadmill tomorrow night while E is at Brownies. It's close to where her meetings are and a 30 min walk (or more?) is easily doable in the times between drop off and pick up.

I want to also get weighed sometime this week. See if there is any progress there. I say that because I see progress other ways and am, overall, pleased with how things are going.

Still need - new shoes. Will see how it goes this week but I don't think I'll have time to shop.

that is all.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well today was a buzz kill. Last night was LOOVING the YMCA. Had a great swim last night with my daughter, even spent about 90 seconds in the sauna and came home feeling like a million bucks.

Then I went to the 'Core Strength and Stretch" Class this morning. What a waste of my time.

Started late, was way to advanced for me, my boobs and bulges got in the way and no way could my wrists maintain my weight for the MULTIPLE down dog/crocodile/plank stretches we were asked to do. So not a beginner class and I am such a beginner. I cannot begin to articulate how angry and frustrated I was and for the first time I was sorely tempted to walk out on a class unfunished. At one point I was on the verge of breaking into tears. But I stayed to the end, not feeling like I was able to do even half of what was being asked of me and just feeling so defeated.

Then I went home and vented on FB-LIO and the ladies were awesomely supportive which helped. It's good to know that I wasn't the only who went through similar frustrations.

Here is the win as my friend Heather tells me - I went, I stayed, I tried.

Another win for me - I really wanted to eat the chunk of Praline's Fudge that is leftover from Christmas that I got from Bobcaygeon. There is no place for this in my diet nor even in my household if I'm honest. I stared at it and held it, and poked it with my finger seeing the soft gooeyness in the layers, but then I saw this on FB posted in Losing it in Ottawa and it helped me lots!

"30 mins from now you won't remember how good that binge felt, but 3 hours from now you will still be wishing you hadn't."

So I grabbed a nearly full water bottle and I am halfway through it and don't feel that snacky anymore. So apparently this is a bad habit I am breaking and not a hunger I am ignoring.

I also booked my free orientation with one of the personal trainers next Friday Jan 27th (right before I leave for CHA but it's my next Friday off) and I have requested the use of their body fat scale which they are now sending out to be fixed so it may be a month before I get tested. Not sure what to use as a baseline but I found my old Curves data sheets and my Body Fat % at that time was over 40%. Yikes! Almost half of my body is fat? That can't be good!

Anyway - 4 small wins today so far as I can see it.

Next work out date is the 9am class on Thurs which is entitled "Abs Butt and Thighs" (no mystery there but will be my first time trying it out) and then on Friday at 9am for the Cardio Combo which I have taken before and like very much.

Still trying to get in to be weighed at the dr's. Not an easy task. He says to come in anytime to get weighed but he's always with a patient. Oh well.

I will try to upload pictures of myself that I took today at the Y in their mirror. Going to bed!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Like I need another blog. Something else to update in my life. Another commitment, another challenge.

But I do need this.

Some starting stats...

Today is Monday Jan 16th and I am currently a member of the Orleans YMCA.

I have worked out 3 times last week, which was a goal, and I was able to complete it. My body went through different phases of body aches and muscle strain but I have done this before so wasn't surprised.

December 21st, 2011 Last official weigh in at my Dr.'s had me at 276 lbs. I remember weighing about this when I was pregnant with Emma which was 8 years ago. I am clutching this extra weight and don't want to let it go and I don't understand why. Just let it go Jenn. Just lose it.

I hope to figure it out along the way. If I do I will let you know.

I started some changes in my diet a few months back and I think it's helped. I am drinking fruit and yogurt smoothies to replace a meal - usually breakfast - and its helped to narrow down my bread consumption.

Well now its off to start my day. I'm helping a friend move so my workout will be packing and lifting, and I plan on taking E to the open swim at the Y tonite.